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- Royal Merchant Banking and Finance has started to distribute bonus share certificate from 2065/9/6 .
- Nepal Development and Employment Promotion Bank published AGM notice. Date:2065/9/27, Book Close: 2065/9/14, Place: Rastriya Nacchaghar, Jamal, Time:10 am, Agenda:Annual report.
- IME Financial Institution issue 2:1 right share from 2065/9/28.
- Sanima Bikas Bank published AGM notice. Date:2065/9/28, Book Close:2065/9/14, Place: Rastriya Sabhagriha, Kathmandu, Time:12:30 pm, Agenda:Annual report, 1:1 right share, Amendment of memorandum of article.
- Nepse has decreased by 7.75 points on 2065/9/3 according to previous day.
- United Finance published AGM notice. Date:2065/9/11, Place:Nepal Tourism Board, Bhirkuti Mandap, Time:11 am, Agenda: Annual report, 10% bonus share, Amendment of memorandum of article.
- Sahayogi Bikas Bank published AGM notice. Date:2065/9/26, Book Close:2065/9/12, Place:Janakpurdham, Time:1pm, Agenda:Annual report, 20% bonus share, 5:2 right share, Amendment of memorandum of article.
- Fewa Finance published AGM notice. Date:2065/9/26, Book Close :2065/9/11, Place:Hotel Fewa Prince, Pokhara, Time:9 am, Agenda:Annual report, Amendment of memorandum of article, 1:1 right share and 30% Bonus share.
- Country Development Bank published AGM notice. Date: 2065/9/26, Place:Mirabel, Dhulikhel, Kavre, Time:9am, Agenda:Annual report, Amendment of memorandum of article.
- Purbaanchal Gramin Bikas Bank published AGM notice. Date:2065/9/26, Book Close:2065/9/10, Place:Udhyog Sangathan Morang, Biratnagar, Time:11 am, Agenda:Annual report, Amendment of memorandum of article.
- Sagarmatha Merchant Banking and Finance published AGM notice. Date:2065/9/29, Book Close:2065/9/18, Place:Prasasanik Prasichyan Pratisthan, Jawalakhel, Time:11:30 am, Agenda:Annual report, 1:1.5 right share, Amendment of memorandum of article.
- Sirjana Finance has extended right share issue up to 2065/9/28.
- Reliable Investment Bittiya Sanstha started to distribute share certificate from 2065/9/3.
- Union Finance published AGM notice. Date:2065/9/24, Book Close:2065/9/11, Place: Radition Hotel, Lazimpat, Time:11am, Agenda:Annual report, Amendment of memorandum of article, 20% bonus share.
- Nepse decreased by 5.61 points on 2065/9/1 as compared to previous day.
- Himalayan Bank published AGM notice. Date: 2065/9/24, Book Close: 2065/9/4, Place: Nepal Prasasanik Pratisthan, Jawalakhel, Time:11am, Agenda: Annual report, Amendment of memorandum of article, dividend.
- ICFC Bittiya Sanstha published AGM notice. Date: 2065/9/24, Book Close:2065/9/13, Place: Russian Culture Center, Kamalpokhari, Time:10am, Agenda: Annual report, 10% bonus share, Amendment of memorandum of article.
- Bishal Bazar Company has started to distribute bonus share and cash dividend from 2065/9/30.
- Gorkha Bikas Bank published AGM notice. Date: 2065/9/25, Place:Rastriya Sabhagriha, Ktm, Time:11am, Agenda:Annual report, Amendment of memorandum of article, 4:1 right share.
- Sagarmatha merchant banking and Lord Buddha Finance listed their shares on 2065/09/01.
- Samjhana Finance published special AGM notice. Date:2065/9/4, Place:Banepa Plaza, Time:1pm.
- Machhapuchre Bank published AGM notice. Date:2065/9/24, Book Close: 2065/9/10, Place: Hotel Fewa, Pokhara, Time:11am, Agenda:Annual report,Cash dividend.

- Nepse has decreased by 7.19 points on 2065/8/30 according to the previous day.
- Unilever Nepal started to distribute cash dividend of 2064/2065 through Hilman Services Center Ltd, Old Baneshwor, Ktm.
- Nepal Housing Development Finance started to distribute 1:1 right share certificate from 2065/9/1.

- Laxmi Bank started to distribute bonus share share certificate from 2065/9/1.
- Solti Hotel published AGM notice. Date:2065/9/14, Book close: 2065/8/25, Place:Solti crawn plasa, Tahachal, Time:10:30am, Agenda: Annual report, Bonus share and cash dividend.
- Nepse has decreased by 1.21 points on 2065/8/29 according to the last day.
- Sahayogi Bikas Bank started to distribute right share certificate from 2065/8/30.
- Union finance has book closed for 1:1 right share from 2065/8/30.
- Nirthan Utthan Bank announced to distribute 1.40 % cash dividend from 2064/2065 profit.
- Kist Merchant Banking and Finance has book closed for 1:1.5 right share from 20658/29.
- Himchuli Bikas Bank published AGM notice. Date: 2065/9/19, Book Close: 2065/9/4, Place: Pokhara Grand, Pokhara, Time: 10 am, Agenda: Annual report, 1:3.45 right share, Amendment of memorandum of article.
- Butwal Finance published AGM notice. Date: 2065/9/19, Place:Kanti Sabhagriha,butwal, Time:11am, Agenda: Annual report, right share and public share, Amendment of memorandum of article.
- Siddhartha Finance published AGM notice. Date: 2065/9/19, Book Close: 2065/9/4, Place:Praharitole, Siddharthanagar, rupandehi, Time:11am, Agenda: Annual report, right share.
- Mahalaxmi Finance published AGM notice. Date:2065/9/19, Book Close:2065/9/4, Place: Uddhyog Banijya Mahasanga, Birjung, Time:3pm, Agenda:Annual report, right share.
- Birjung Finance published AGM notice. Date: 2065/9/19, Book Close:2065/9/4, Place:Hotel Makalu, Birjung, Time:9am, Agenda: Annual report, right share.