Saturday, April 25, 2009

Stock Market News(2066/1/13)

  • NMB Bank increase its net profit by 5 % in third quarter over corresponding quarter previous year.
  • Ace Development Bank increase its net profit by 180 % in third quarter over corresponding quarter previous year.
  • Sanima Bikas Bank increase its net profit by 92% in third quarter over corresponding quarter previous year.
  • Business Development Bank increase its net profit by 211% in third quarter over corresponding quarter previous year.
  • Mahalaxmi Finance increase its net profit by 420 % in third quarter over corresponding quarter previous year.
  • Chilime Hydropower is going to distribute 35% cash dividend from 2066/1/14.
  • Sanima Bikas Bank is going to book close on 2066/1/21 for 1:1 right share issue .

Friday, April 24, 2009

Stock Market News(2066/1/11)

  • Global Bank increase its net profit by 87.99 % in third quarter over corresponding quarter previous year.
  • Citizen Bank increase its net profit by 67.17% in third quarter over corresponding previous year.
  • NCC Bank decrease its net profit by 4.73 % in third quarter over corresponding previous year.
  • World Merchant Banking and Finance increase its net profit by 129.15 % in third quarter over corresponding previous year.
  • World Merchant Banking and Finance started to distribute 20% bonus share certificate from 2066/1/17.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Stock Market News(2066/1/10)

  • Bank Of Kathmandu increase its net profit by 39.68% in third quarter over corresponding quarter previous year.

  • Kasthmandup Development Bank increase its net profit by 266% in third quarter over corresponding quarter previous year.

  • International Leasing and Finance Company increase its net profit by 25 % in third quarter over corresponding quarter previous year.

  • Subhechha Bikas Bank increase its net profit by 203% in third quarter over corresponding quarter previous year.

  • Everest Bank increase its net profit by 49.60 % in third quarter over corresponding quarter previous year.

  • Gandaki Bikas Bank increase its net profit by 169.85 % in third quarter over corresponding quarter previous year.

  • Prudential Finance Company increase its net profit by 147.30 % in third quarter over corresponding quarter previous year.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stock Market News (2066/1/9)

  • Biratlaxmi Bikas Bank started to distribute 10% bonus share from 2066/1/10 through NIDC Capital Market Ltd.
  • World Merchant Banking and Finance book closes on 2066/1/16 for 1:1 right share issue.
  • World Merchant Banking and Finance published announcement letter for 1:1 right share. Issue Open Date: 2066/1/29, No Of Issued Share: 7 lakh 20 thousand, Issue Closing Date: 2066/3/1, Issue Manager: NMB Bank.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Stock Market News(2066/1/8)

  • Imperial Finance published announcement letter for 1:1 right share issue.Issue open date: 2066/1/28, No of share issued: 5 lakh, Issue close: 2066/2/31.
  • Life Insurance Corporation starts to distribute 15% cash dividend from 2066/1/13.
  • Sunrise Bank published announcement letter for ordinary share issue.No of shares issued: 37 lakh 50 thousand, Issue open date: 2066/1/20, Early Close Date:2066/1/23, lately Close Date: 2066/2/3, Minimum shares to be applied:50, Maximum shares to be applied:20 thousand, Issue Manager: NMB Bank ltd.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stock Market News(2066/1/7)

  • SRCS is going to start Share Market Basic Training from 2066/1/8, Day shift: 1-3pm.

  • Nepal Srilanka Merchant Banking and Finance published AGM notice, Date: 2066/1/21, Book Close: 2065/12/31, Place: Russian Culture, Kamalpokhari, Time:11am, Agenda: Annual report, Amendment of memorandum .

  • Imperial Finance book closes for 1:1 right share issue on 2066/1/13.

  • Bhyali Finance published AGM notice, Date: 2066/1/30, Place: Head Office, Chakrapath, Time: 2pm, Agenda: Annual report, Amendment of memorandum of article.

  • Api Finance allotted 18 lakh kitta ordinary share on 2066/1/7.

Stock Market News(2066/1/6)

SRCS completed 178 batch of share training .

Nabil Bank's Financial Manager Bhuwan Dahal at SRCS Investors' Club.

  • Api Finance allotted 1 lakh 80 thousand kitta ordinary share on 2066/1/2.

  • NMB Bank book closes on 2066/1/10 for 10: 3 right share issue .

  • Nepal Bangladesh Bank allotted 1:1.5 right share .

  • Siddhartha Bank started to distribute 15% bonus share certificate from 2066/1/8.

  • National Finance also started to distribute 6 lakh 28 thousand kitta right share xertificate from 2066/1/4.

  • Nepal Bikas Bank has book closed for 1:1 right share on 205/1/6.