Friday, January 15, 2010

Stock Market News (2066/10/01

  • 15% bonus share and 10 lakh cash dividend of Central finance is approved by its 13th AGM.
  • Lumbini Finance and Leasing Company is distributing 25% bonus share and 1:1 right share . After it paid up capital will be 41 corore and 25 lakh.
  • 10% bonus share of Gorkha Development Bank is approved by its 5th AGM.
  • 15% bonus share and 1% cash dividend of Pachimanchal Development Bank is approved by its 7th AGM.
  • Excle Development Bank Limited 4th AGM notice. Date: 2066/10/25, Place:Atithi sadan birtamoad, Time:10am , Book close: 2066/10/11, Agenda: Increase in Authorised Capital issued capital and paid up capital, Ammendment of memorandum of article.
  • 50% bonus share of lalitpur finance is approved by its 13th AGM.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Stock Market News (2066/09/30)

  • Loard Budda Finance Limited 14th AGM notice. Date:2066/11/07, Place: Darbar byaquet, soltimoad, Rabivaban, ktm , Time:11am , Book close: 2066/10/24, Agenda: Annual report, Increase in authorised capital and paid up capital, 3:1 right share, Ammendment of memorandum of article.
  • Capital Merchant Banking and Finance Limited is closing its book on 2066/10/28 for the purpose of 1:1.5 right share.
  • Reliable Finance Limited is distributing 10% cash dividend and 20% bonus share from 2066/10/04 .
  • Pokhara Finance Limited 13th AGM Notice . Date: 2066/10/23, Place:Hotel Pokhara grand, Birauta, Pokhara. Time:10am, Book Close: 2066/10/08, Agenda:Annual report, Ammendment of memorandum of article.
  • IME Financial Institution Limited has apppinted to alite capital ltd. as share ragistar.
  • 5% cash dividend of Dreams Capital is approved by its 1st AGM .
  • Nepal Development and Employment Promotion Bank is changed to NDEP Development Bank.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Market News 2066/09/29

  • 6,00,000 kitta ordinary share of city development bank has been approved by security board. Bank has appointed Ace Development Bank as a issue manager.

  • Sangrila Bikas Bank has announced that bank is issuing ordinary share of RS 9,60,00,000 during fiscal year . After issue of these ordinary share paid up capital will be 32,00,00,000.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Stock Market News (2066/09/27)

Sewa Bikas Bank book closes its IPO issue from today after banking hour.

Pathibhara Bikas Bank is distributing share slip and returning money for un-allotted share from 2066/9/26.

Laxmi Bank has allotted its 10:4 right share on 2066/9/23.

SEBON registered and directed to issue City Development Bank 6 lakh kitta ordinary share at the face value of RS 100 to the general public. Bank has appointed Ace Development Bank for the issue manager.