Thursday, December 3, 2009

Stock Market News(2066/8/19)

Goodwill Finance is selling 7215 units share at auction. These are the unsubcribed shares after the right share issue.
The BOD meeting of Nepal Development and Employment Promotion Bank has decided to distribute 6.66 % bonus share for the year 2065/66 after the approval of NRB.
Nepal Credit and Commerce bank has issued notice to sell 187093 units cross holding share of Nepal Rastrya Bank.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Stock Market News(2066/8/18)

Udhyam Bikas Bank's IPo; Issue Opening Date:2066/8/28, No of issued share:1 lakh 50 thousand, Issue Early Closing Date:2066/9/1, Issue lately Closing Date:2066/9/12, Issue Manager:NIDC Capital Markets Ltd.
Nepal Rastrya Bank is issuing 21 days,91 days,182 days and 365 days treasury bill on 8th December 2009. The bids quotation are to be submitted by 7th December.
Nepal Bangladesh is closing its book on 2066 Mangsir 24 for the purpose of conducting AGM.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Stock Market News(2066/8/17)

Bank of Kathmandu has announced its upcoming 15th AGM notice; Date:2066/9/9, Book Close:2066/8/26, Time:11am, Place:Nepal Pragya Pratisthan, Kamaladi, Agenda:Annual Report, 40 % bonus share, 7.3684 % cash dividend.

IPO of Miteri Development Bank has been allotted.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Visit CAPITAL EXPO 2009 , First time in Nepal

Held from: Dec 25-27( Poush 10-12)
Venue:United World Trade Center(UWTC), Tripureswor,Kathmandu

Stock Market News(2066/8/16)

Sagarmatha Merchant Banking and Finance has listed 7 lakh 50 thousand units right share in Nepal Stock Exchange.
The BOD meeting of Butwal Power Company has decided to distribute 20 % cash dividend and 10 % bonus share.The Company has also proposed to issue 3:2 right share after distributing bonus share.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Install Booking Open of

First come first serve basis

Call now at 014251880,6223072,2003481


Dec25-27(Poush 10-12)
United World Trade Center(UWTC), Tripureswor, kathmandu

Stock Market News(2066/8/15)

Yeti FInance has corrected its error on book closure date of the upcoming AGM . The new book closure will be from 2066/8/19 to 2066/9/9.
Royal Merchant Banking and Finance has announced its upcoming AGM notice; Date:2066/9/4, Book Close:2066/8/23, Place:Nepal Tourism Board, Bhirkutimandap, Time:11am, Agenda:Annual Report, Amendment of memorandum of article,1:1 right share, 10 % bonus share,0.5263 % cash dividend