Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Stock Market News(2066/4/7)

  • Diprox Bikas Bank started to distribute 25% bonus share certificate .
  • Sagarmatha Merchant Banking and Finance published announcement letter for 1:1.5 right share issue . Issue Opening Date:2066/4/30, No of issued share:7 lakh 50 thousand, Issue Closing date: 2066/6/20, Issue Manager:Citizen Investment Trust

Monday, July 20, 2009

Stock Market Training notice:

Duration: 1 week

StocK Market News (2066/4/6)

  • Gorkha Development Bank allotted its 4:1 right share on 2066/4/2.
  • Sagarmatha Merchant Banking and Finance published book close notice for 1:1.5 right share.
  • Excel Development Bank extended its right share issue to 2066/4/23.
  • Lumbini General Insurance started to distribute 5.26 % cash dividend from 2066/4/5.

SRCS completed 192nd batch of share training