Saturday, October 24, 2009

Stock Market News(2066/7/8)

  • Mahakali Bikas Bank's IPO: Issue Opening Date:2066/7/16, No of issued share:81 thousand and 8 hundred, Minimum share to apply:50 kitta and Maximum share to apply: 2000 kitta, Issue Early Closing Date:2066/7/19, Issue Lately Closing Date:2066/8/1, Issue Manager:Ace Development Bank.
  • Bank of Kathmandu has published notice to its promoter shareholders who want to purchase promoters shares.
  • Goodwill Finance published 15th AGM notice; Date: 2066/7/29, Book Close:2066/7/17, Time:11am, Place:Hotel Radision, Kathmandu, Agenda: Annual Report, 5 % bonus share and 7.6315 % cash dividend, 1:1.2 right share, Amendment of memorandum of article.
  • Miteri Development Bank's IPO has been oversubscribed by 85 times.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Stock Market News(2066/7/6)

  • Kumari Bank published 9th AGM notice; Date:2066/7/29, Book Close:2066/7/13, Time:10:30am, Place:Tribhuvan Army officer's Club, Agenda: Annual Report, 10 % bonus share.
  • Miteri Development Bank book closes its ordinary share issue from today(2066/7/6).
  • Kist Bank published 8th AGM notice; Date:2066/7/28, Book Close:2066/7/13, Time:11am, Place: Rastriya Sabhagriha, Agenda: Annual Report, Increment in paid up capital, 3.50 % cash dividend, 1:1.5 right share.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stock Market News(2066/7/5)

  • Nepal Rastrya Bank is issuing 91 days treasury bill on 27th october 2009. The bid quotation are to be submitted by 26th october.
  • Miteri Development Bank has extended its ordinary share issue up to 2066 kartik 6.
  • Paschimanchal Development Bank has issued notice to its promoter shareholders who want to purchase promoters shares.
  • Birjung Finance has book closes its right share issue after banking hour from today.
  • Unilever Nepal is distributing Rs 325 cash dividend from 2066 kartik 4.
  • Annapurna Finance has published AGM notice; Date:2066/7/27, Book Close:2066/7/10,Time:9:30am, Place:Pokharagrand, Birauta, Agenda:Annual Report, Amendment of memorandum of article, 10% bonus share, cash dividend, Increment in paid up capital.
  • Unilever Nepal published notice of book close from 2066/7/24 to 2066/8/12 for its upcoming annual general meeting .

Stock Market News(2066/7/4)

  • Infrastructure Development Bank is going to issue 1:1.5 right share. Bank's will have 81 crore paid capital after the right share issue. Bank has appointed Grow more Merchant Banker for the issue manager.