Monday, April 27, 2009

Stock Market News(2066/1/15)

  • Ace Development Bank book closes on 2066/1/25 for 1:0.64 right share issue.
    DCBL Bank book closes on 2066/1/21 for 2:1 right share issue.
    Ace Development Bank published announcement letter for right share issue. No of issued share: 29,28,640 kitta Ratio:1:0.64, Issue opening date: 2066/2/6, Issue closing date: 2066/3/9, Issue Manager: Elite Capital Market.
    NMB Bank published announcement letter for right share issue. No of issued share: 33 lakh, Ratio:10:3 , Issue opeining date:2066/2/4, Issuing closing date: 2066/3/7, Issue Manger: DCBL Bank.
    Prime Life Insurance published AGM notice: Date:2066/1/30, Place: Laxmi Complex, Hattisar, Ktm, Time: : 11am, Agenda: Annual Report, Amendment of memorandum of article.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Stock Market News(2066/1/14)

  • Union Finance started to distribute right and 20% bonus share certificate from 2066/1/17.

  • Nepal Awas Bikas Comapany started to distribute 20% bonus share certificate from 2066/1/15.

  • Citizen Saving Certicate ''2070" s certificate is going to distribute from 2066/1/17.

  • Nepal Investment Bank allotted 8lakh 30thousand 3 hundred 26 kitta right share on 2066/1/8.