Sunday, October 11, 2009

Stock Market News( 2066/6/26)

  • The BOD meeting of Kumari Bank has propose to distribute 10 % bonus share from the profit of fiscal year 2065/66 after the approval of NRB.
  • Kaski Finance closes its right share issue after the banking hour from today(2066/6/26).
  • Shree Investment and Finance Company has published 15th AGM notice; Date: 2066/7/27, Book Close:2066/7/7, Time:10 am, Place: Russian Culture Center, Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu, Agenda: Annual Report, 20 % bonus share and 5.26% cash dividend.
  • Shree Investment and Finance Company has issued notice to its share holders to collect cash dividend from 2059/60 to 2064/65 who were not presented before.