Thursday, December 10, 2009

Stock Market News(2066/8/26)

Nepal SBI Bank is closing its book on 2066/9/2 for the purpose of issuing 2:1 right share.
The BOD meeting of Clean Energy Development Bank has decided to propose 1:2.4 right share for the year 2065/66 after the approval of NRB and has decided book closure date from 2066/9/5 to 2/66/9/23 for its 3rd AGM going to be held on 2066/9/23.
Malika Bikas Bank is distributing its right share ertificate from 2066/8/26.
Civil Merchant Bittiya Sanstha's 5th AGM notice; Date:2066/9/24, Book Close:2066/9/7, Time:2pm, Place:Business Park, Vivahall,Teku, Agenda:Annual Report, 1:1 right share, Amendment of memorandum of article.
Subechha Bikas Bank's 5th AGM notice; Date: 2066/9/18, Time:10am, Place:Narayanghad, Chitwan, Agenda: Annual Report, 2:1 right share, bonus share and cash dividend.
Nepal SBI Bank has announced its upcoming 16th AGM notice; Date:2066/9/26, Book Close:2066/9/3, Time:11am, Place:Nepal Prasasanik Prasichyan Pratisthan, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Agenda: Annual Report, 40 % bonus share, 2.11 % cash dividend, Amendment of memorandum of article.
Nepal SBI Bank is issuing 2:1 right share; Issuing Opening Date:2066/9/14, No of share issue:43,72,639.2, Issue Closing Date: 2066/10/18, Issue Manager:Citizen Investment Trust.
Himchuli Bikas Bank is issuing 1:3.0935 right share from 2066/9/22 to 2066/10/12. Its issue manager is NMB Bank.