Monday, January 18, 2010

stock Market News (2009/10/05)

10 lakh kitta ordinary share of Maddemanchal Gramin Bikash Bank is listed in NEPSE on 2066/10/03.
Kaski Finance is distributing share certificate of 10 lakh kitta right share from 2066/10/04 .
Annapurna Bikash Bank is closing its book on 2066/10/15 for the propuse of right share issue in the ratio of 1:2.2.
Pachimanchal Development Bank is appointed grow more merchant banker as a share ragistar. Bank also closing its book on 2066/10/12 for the propuse of 1:2.1 right share issue.
Reliable Finance is distributing 10% cash dividend and share certificate 0f 20% bonus share from 2066/10/04 .
Maddemanchal Gramin Bikas Bank 15th AGM notice. Date:2066-10-29, Time: 9am, Place: Bank's Head office, Nepalganj, Agenda: annual report, increse in capital, ammendment of memorandum of article.
Nepal Share Markets is distributing share certificate of 8% bonus and right share in the ratio of 1:3.629 from 2066-10-10.
Kasthamandup Development Bank is alloted 9 lakh 60 thousand ordinary share on 2066/10/5.