Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stock Market New(2066/7/12)

  • Ace Development Bank's 14th AGM notice: Date:2066/8/4, Book Close:2066/7/19, Time:11am, Place:Nepal Pragya Pratisthan,Kamaladi, Agenda:Annual Report, 5.50% cash dividend, Ammendment of memoranadum of aricle.
  • Sagarmatha Merchant and Banking Finance is selling 40790 unitd ''A'' category and 17350 units ''B'' category share on auction at the minimum price of Rs 100. These are the unsubcribed share after the right share issue.
  • The BOD meeting of Bank of Kathmandu has proposed to distribute 40 % bonus share for the fiscal year 2065/66 after the approval of NRB.