Sunday, September 6, 2009

Stock Market News(2066/5/21)

  • Sagarmatha Merchant Banking and Finance has decided to distribute 10.526 % cash dividend from the profit of fiscal year 2065/66 after the approval of Nepal Rastrya Bank.
  • Goodwill Finance published notice for right share issue. Issue Opening Date:2066/6/8, No of issued share:17 lakh 32 thousand and 5 hundred, Issue Manager:Ace Development Bank.
  • Shikhar Bittiya Sanstha published special AGM notice; Date:2066/5/27, Time:11am, Place:Nepal Prasasanik Pratisthan, Jawalakhel, Agenda: Amendment of memorandum of article.
  • Everest Finance is selling 24500 units `A' and 3580 units `B' category shares on auction at the minimum price of Rs 100.
  • 12 lakh 42 thousand kitta bonus share of Siddhartha Bank has been listed in Nepal Stock Exchange.
  • 8o thousand 7 hundred and 84 kitta right share of Premier Finance has been listed in NEPSE.
  • Nepal Development and Employment Promotion Bank 15 lakh 65 thousand 9 hundred and 70 kitta right share has been listed in NEPSE.