Monday, September 7, 2009

Stock Market News{2066/5/23}

  • Nepal Telecome published fourth quarterly report of fiscal year 2065/66. Company has earned 9.493 billion net profit in this quarter ending .

This year ending Corresponding Previous year
  • Net profit Rs 9.493 billion Rs 7.653 billion
  • Net Worth Per Share Rs 273 Rs 261
  • Earning Per Share Rs 63 Rs 68
  • Price Earning Ratio 9.94 7.72
  • Patan Finance also published fourth quarterly report of fiscal year 2065/66.
  • The BOD of Unilever Nepal approved to distribute Rs 325 as interim dividend per share out of the aforementined final dividend of Rs 450(400+50) per share for the year 2065/55 after the approval of Nepal Rastrya Bank.