Sunday, September 6, 2009

Stock Market News(2066/5/22)

  • Right share of DCBL Bank has been listed in NEPSE.
  • Muktinath Bikas Bank published special AGM notice; Date:2066/6/6, Time:11am, Venue:Central office, Pokhara, Agenda: Rise in capital.
  • Annapurna Finance is issuing 1:1.6 right share from 2066/5/22. Its Issue Manager is Ace Development Bank.
  • Sagarmatha Insurance published 12th AGM notice; Date:2066/5/26, Time:1pm, Venue:Naksal, Bhagwatibahal. Agenda:
  • Jyoti Spinning Mill published AGM notice; Date:2066/6/19, Venue:Guthi Hall, Dallu, Kathmandu, Time:10:15 , Agenda: Liquidator Report.
  • The BOD of Sanima Bikas Bank approved to distribute 5 % bonus share for the year 2065/66 after the approval of Nepal Rastrya Bank.